Well the 77th Nationals are a distant memory some of which the competitors would prefer to forget from a flying point of view. Apparently the weather has been some of the worst of any Nationals. Many events were washed and/or blown out although some risked high winds just to fly. The event schedule had to be modified to fit in events when the weather was good.
Results for the 77th Nationals
Well the weather has made a very good attempt to distrupt these nationals… and it has. Events have been rearranged to try and fit in the remaining time available. Here are the results so far…
If you own a dog and want to take it to any events on a Nationals Farmers field you need permission. You need to be aware of the requirements. Contact Kevin Botherway on 027 557 0470 if you require clarification.
Paying your 77th Nationals Fees via the internet
Countdown to Registration (T minus):
The results of the last 76th Nationals can be found here.
The MFNZ nationals are held every year to allow MFNZ members to compete against each other in various disciplines at a nationals level. Typically they are held in early January each year to take advantage of the long summer days and the end of the Christmas/New Year holidays. Usually competitors number between 110 to 150 and come from all areas of New Zealand… and sometimes overseas. There are a number of trophies that competitors compete for and there are champions for the various disciplines and then the champion of champions.
The nationals require a lot of organisation as there are normally around 90 events which are flown over 5 flying fields, over 5 days. Each event can have from 3 to 30 entries so it’s quite a bit of work to get them to run smoothly. The last few years, the nationals have been held at Clareville near Carterton in the Wairapapa which is fairly central in terms of the whole of New Zealand and the flying fields are grouped relatively close (there are some quite specific requirements for some events).
Note that if you enter events which you subsequently can’t fly, and advise us at registration, we will give you a refund if you have already paid for those event(s) via the internet.
You can see the current status of entries by visiting this page.
Click here for the Event Program (standard format)
Here is an older format in SIG format which can be printed on a single page (double sided). The same format except in Date format.
All MFNZ members are welcome to come and even compete, even if you haven’t been before, it’s a great experience.